Aug 28, 2002 16:24
So hubby has this pair of pants that I absolutely hate... they are navy blue and they are made out of some material that acts like a magnet for cat fur (and since kitty's fur is orange you can *really* see it.) No matter how many times I brush them with the lint brush he still ends up leaving the house with 1/2 a cat on him. So, since I am at home all day now, and as such have become defacto queen of the laundry I have quit washing them (evil laugh). He hasn't noticed yet... I think I may be on to something.
I have to get out to buy a cookbook for my sister's b-day after hubby gets off work, but Big Brother is on tonight. I guess I will have to tape it since he probably won't get home until late. At least the book store is open until 11. How I wish I could drive... or that I had thought of getting the book before so I could have bought it on-line. (It probably would have been cheaper, too.) I got the idea because she is starting to cook alot more (she just graduated from college last year) but she doesn't have any cookbooks. I also got her a bunch of spices since all she really has is salt and pepper ;-) I think it will make a cute gift, plus it works with the dishes and glasses I already got her.
I have to get everything ready by tomorrow because I get my stitches out Friday morning (ouch!) and am going straight to my parents after the Dr's appt. I'll spend Friday and Saturday night there, then the party is there on Sunday so I need to bring the presents with me. This also minimizes the time hubby must spend with the parents-in-law, so even though it makes it a little less convenient for me it is well worth it so that everyone doesn't get on everyone else's nerves ;-)