Jun 04, 2007 18:42
Apparently I've already titled a lj entry the way I am.. so this has to be part two I guess.
Anyway, This weekend I ran a 30k with Carly. It was awesome. and 18.6 mile trail run, steep short hills, big rocks, little creeks, mud, rocks, trees, awesome! needless to say I'm pretty sore this morning, but we kept about a 10 min mile pace which makes me excited about being able to do a marathon by the end of summer since this was a pretty tough course and I'd probably choose an easier first marathon than something like this. I'm going to do another 30k in July. I officially love trail running.
Afterwards, I came home and took a shower, put on my swimsuit and went to barton springs to go even out my tanlines and put myself at risk for skin cancer. I spent all afternoon just napping and reading anna karenina and listening to music and going to go jump in barton springs when I got too hot and sweaty. It was a perfect day. Except that I laid out for like 3 hours or more next to this other guy who was also by himself at barton and I should have talked to him, and I didn't. Why am I so bad at meeting new people all of a sudden. I'm not a shy person, and I had like nine bajillion opportunities to say something to him and make a friend and I didn't. I feel really sad about it, I mean, here I am this summer with not very many people to hang out with and wishing I had more friends but then I have an easy opportunity to talk to someone and I don't. Why not? Silly silly me.