josh and i had a reunion. i love him. ((i had to delete what i previously wrot here)) he just sent me a txt message that says "i fucking want in your box. I'll bring you flan? some nice meaty flan?"
josh and i both tried flan for the first time at robins day after thanksgiving extravaganza. so did greg manco. aka greg mango. and i said that it tasted meaty.
umm. work is so funny/weird lately. tonight we talked about sex basically the whole time. Shirell is my girl. i LOVE her.
Lex: caity. your hair is so sexy. im going to make love with it. make some time.
that was just weird. and then..
Lex: Shirell, you got a baby in the oven
Shirell: WHAT? exscuse me?
Lex: i'll give you a baby
Shirell: yeah it'll be bald its whole life..
me: LMAO
Lex: CAITY! shut up. ill give you a bald baby too!
...anyways i got employee of the month! lol thats so cool you dont even know. my DM came into the store and bought us all pizza! and matt got MAD jealous that i got it and he didnt. hahaha.
its sad i never have anything to talk about other than work. but i basically live there so. i covered for Doug today so he could hang out with his sister. and doug and i dont work together at all this week. thats sad. i got rich though. so thats cool. welllllllllllllllllllll. goodnight.