Oct 30, 2006 23:31
Definitley splurged on the dollar menu at Wendy's tonight. I usually try to avoid fast food of all kinds, but I was craving like mad and greasy fast food sounded the best. If it weren't for the full feeling, I'd be doing pretty well right now. Not feeling too guilty, but then again, I let go of my guilt after the lunch that was served at the NAFDA meeting. C'est la vie.
I've been trying to watch more movies on the weekends. It always seems like everyone and their brother has seen more movies than I have, so I'm trying to do some catch up. The UNT library has a pretty decent selection and I rented "Fever Pitch" and "Bee Season." The first was to be expected--run of the mill romantic comedy. The other was...odd. It was good, but some of it was a bit hard to follow. Interesting story line, though. Hopefully I'll get two more movies watched this weekend. Any suggestions? The only genre not on my list of favorites is horror. Really don't like being scared.
No work tomorrow because of Halloween. Kinda nice. Perhaps a nap will be in order.