Jun 02, 2005 20:57
it finally hit me as i was talking to meg today. in 2 very short weeks i will be sitting at ntelos pavillion watching some of my best friends graduate. its such a hard thing to grasp. the friends that i've grown up with and made so many memories with. although i don't see some of them as much as i'd like, i can't believe that the day has finally come. it seems like just yesterday we were spoiled little brats making our parents take us to the movies every friday night. i can't help but think that some of the last four years were spent wasting time on meaningless fights about nothing. we can't take it back. as much time we spent (and still spend) hating school, i'll miss it. from first drinks around stacie's kitchen table, silly high school drama, the boys, vacations, and just having fun doing nothing, i'm gonna miss it. i can't help but think "what if..?". i don't mean to sound sappy because i know i'll still see them every now and then, but it truly is the end of an era. i still have another year, but i will miss not being able to talk to them about the day to day high school shit. it won't involve the same boys or the same friends that its been about for the last 4 years (or even longer). they're leaving. and making new friends and meeting new people and just experiencing something so different than what they've known for the last 18 years of their lives. we don't hang out enough, i know that, but you can bet that june 17th i will be there watching them, crying my eyes out, remembering every single high school moment we've had together. its not supposed to be like this, i'm supposed to be with them these last few weeks of school, signing their year books, reminiscing about the last few years, classes we've had, telling them that i'm going to miss seeing them everyday. we're supposed to still be as close as we were. but things change and i realize that. we've let things come between us, whether its boyfriends, jobs, or just time itself. i can honestly say that without them my life would be dramatically different, they've shaped who i am, what i believe and just the person that i am. they've helped me get through some of the hardest things that i've had to go through. there will be no more stealing cars at 4 a.m. to drive to dunkin donuts, throwing parties because your parents are out of town, meeting strange boys at the mall and telling them that emily is pregnant (and a thug), drinking margaritas at the infamous hogan jimmy buffet parties, "call your mom and tell her to take your HIGH ass home", baseball games, smoking oregano in meg's closet, drive bys with your mom, playing asshole in susan's kitchen, creepmouse in your undies (with icy hot on your butt), building uncontrollable fires on the patio for new years, egging cars during hell week, sitting in stacie's bathtub listening to funny voicemails from boys that are in love with her, watching people on the beach catch seagulls, beer runs because some shithead stole all your parents beer, giving shitty tips (erasers, pencils, and pennies), piling 12 people into mawmaws car, olympic running into doors TWICE, talks that go on forever, summers that never seem to end. i could go on forever. we still have this summer and hopefully a lot longer. i love you guys so much. conGRADulations harharharrrr. :)