Stupid vs. Sexy

Aug 26, 2003 19:14

So, in the past few days I have seen two movies that were not worth seeing. I saw My Boss's daughter with Meg and the only thing good about that movie was the hottie and his great smile. Then last night I saw Freddy vs. Jason with Emil and some friends and that was so dumb! I mean I never saw any of its prequals but let me tell you, that movie bit ass. The only good thing about that movie was the hottie beside me holding my hand. I went into that movie expecting a scary movie with lots of killing. Well, there sure was lots of killing but where you may think you are going to hear screaming and see people jumping out of their seats, people laughed and fell out of their seats. It wasn't a funny movie in the sense that you would go to to be out to enjoy a comedy, no, it was the kind of movie you go to if you want to be grossed out by stupid, fake blood so unrealistically squirting out of someone's head or arm or leg or stomach or any other body part you can think of. It wasn't the kind of movie you recommend to friends, it was more like the kind of movie you tell your friends to see if they want to stab themselves halfway through.

Yesterday was the first day of school which I mentioned in yesterday's post. Today, obviously was the second. yesterday was long and somewhat boring. My first class, Interpreting 2 is a good class but I'm not exactly registered in it just yet. I know there will be lots of work to get done in that one but useful work and all stuff I need and will learn a great deal from. We have to memorize all fifty states, their capitols, and their location, plus their signs! It may be tough, but I can't wait to finally know all that. My second class was Bio, Life Under the Sea, and let me tell you! It is not as interesting as it may sound. Another class with TONS of reading and too many tests. The teacher seems really nice but soooo boring, it was just the first day and I could not stay awake, it was awful. Third class; Anthro, Linguistics. That one seems really interesting and like a lot of stuff I want, should, and need to learn. First impression of the teacher, "Wow! Big." Then you see, "Wow! Smart, interesting, funny..." plus, the second I saw her begin to speak and gesture, I knew she must know at least a minimal amount of Sign Language. She did speak a bit about signing, in relation to Linguistics. The, today, guess who I saw, as the voice interpreter for my two deaf teachers in today's Deaf Culture class! That same teacher! It was crazy...don't forget shocking. Anyway, I think that will be nice, I kinda get to see two sides of her, but at the same time I can't help but think it might be a little weird too because in my Anthro class I will be thinking of the interpreting job she did last week, whether it was good or bad, etc. and not about her lecture now...I don't know how well I will be able to see her as both teacher and interpreter. I know I can separate the two but it is a bit odd. But about today's one class that I have after I finish work (have a story about work today), it was very interesting, and the teacher who I thought was kinda mean two semesters ago and didn't like much, really isn't all that bad and I think I will enjoy this class a lot although I know it will be very difficult with all the reading I have to do for this class too! God, this semester is going to be a lot of work!

So, my story about work today...I was in her second period class, the teacher had given the class free time at the end after finishing a set of notes. I was sitting, reading when I heard kids yelling and so on...I look up and there are two of the boys really going at it, hitting and kicking and bleeding and screaming. It was terrible. I don't think I have ever really seen a full on fight like that before, especially in a classroom. It was quite scary and a bit nauseating due to the fact that one of the kids, the weaker one I suppose, was bleeding all over the place, the walls, the floor, the other kids, the teacher. I was so glad I was in the front of the class and they in the back. The teacher finally got over there, it didn't take all that long but it seemed to take forever, and broke it up, with the help of some of the boy's friends. It was quite an experience. I don't know what started it, but they probably didn't either...boys!

Cute thing happened today...the girl I interpret for told me that Giovanni says hi and he loves me! Gosh, I love that kid, he is so cute. :) We are all missing out on not having him around since Cory's been gone, Cory is missing out the most. My sympathies to you Cory. You guys are so cute and great for each other, I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law...but don't take that as incentive to do it now! love you guys...
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