May 26, 2007 19:18
The Remodeling of Doom proceeds apace.
I am tired and craving chocolate, but none of it has made me sick. Granted, Laurie's using all the power tools, I'm just hanging out and making approving noises. But given what I've been through recently, that's actually a lot. Energy-wise, I still haven't completely recovered from my impulsive, single-handed demolition of the picnic table two weeks ago, which was a bit ill-advised so early in my recovery from the health drama of the past couple months. (Yeah, get out of the hospital and start whacking things with a sledge hammer... Real smart.) What can I say, I was inspired by all the chaos around me and wanted to do my part.
Today I was stunned at how bright it is upstairs with the milk paint and maple floor. The paint is essentially milk and lime, no toxic chemicals at all. Smells like a dairy until it dries, but no migraines. The new floor is not quite finished, but it's looking really lovely. We just may get motivated to tackle the rest of the house before too long.
The garden is looking good, too. We've had a nice mix of rain and sun since we put it in, and it looks like everything is coming up. Soon it will be fresh salads for all. And wildflowers for the bees. Yay!