Interesting days are here again.

Sep 30, 2009 19:41

Well, the last few days have been interesting for Caitriona.

First, a bad thing: it's flu season, which means flu shots. Lots of them. In the last three days I've personally given well over 100 flu shots in addition to the regular work load at the office. Most of them state that if we get in any of the H1N1 vaccine, they want that, too. Sigh. Double work! whoo hoo! I wish that the institutions that developed the H1N1 had gotten it just a few months earlier so it could have just been included in the seasonal stuff. We only got in about 600 doses of the seasonal flu, and that should be out by the end of next week. I sure hope my boss ordered another 1000 doses.  I had to beat her over the head to get these first 600.  :sigh:

Second, a good thing: for those of you who have been living in a cave, the new Inuyasha anime is going to start on the 3rd. I'm so excited that I could almost pee my pants. I know - why is this 36 year old woman this excited? I don't know. I guess that I hope that it will give a shot in the arm to a fandom that has been withering. Sure I'm still reading good stuff, but it is becoming harder and harder to find. Plus, I just really happy that some of my favorite scenes from the manga will finally come to the screen.

Third, a bad thing: we got a new roof about a month ago. It's a lovely brown tin one that should last years and years and years. There are only a few problems with it. There is a leak somewhere above my bathroom that wasn't there before the lovely brown tin one came to live at our house. : P The men who put on the roof have been trying to find the leak. In the process of looking for the leak the dumbass clumsy doofuses managed to break the skylight that was in the bathroom. Note the was. It was shattered and left the property in pieces. Now said doofuses are going to replace said skylight (at no charge) as soon as they can find one. Supposedly they haven't been able to find one yet. It was an odd size and none of the places locally have it. It will take 2 weeks to get one in. I live in a geographic oddity - everything takes two weeks to get here. Last night it was 50 degrees outside the bathroom roof. Last night it was 60 degrees inside the bathroom roof. I guess that sucky blue tarp kept those 10 degrees of heat inside, huh. Needless to say, Caitriona isn't the happiest of campers. Actually if I were camping, I think that I might have been warmer last night.

Fourth, a good thing: I managed to get a paper dragon egg in Dragon Cave the obsession. trekwriter , the same lady who gave me Geshi, my summer dragon, gave me the paper dragon egg last night.  It was a wonderfully nice surprise after such a rotten day.  I want to start breeding some seasonal eggs soon.  Here are my other ones for y'all to look at and click.

  <--glorious paper dragon egg!!!!    

Fifth, just a thing:  I've been writing some connected, mature drabbles over at inuromp and cross posting them at inuyasha_sango .  They aren't great, but if you are a member and have some concrit (i.e. this doesn't work, WTF, um...characterization, etc) I'd love to have it.

dragons, inuyasha, pimping communities, rl

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