I haven't posted in a while so I'll get two things done in one fell swoop.
First, I borrowed this with the intent to keep from
forthrightly :
Caitriona695's LJ stalker is fenikkusuken!fenikkusuken is stalking you because a little birdie told them you said something nice behind their back. They are also prank calling you regularly!
In other Caitriona news -
I don't know if I've told this on here, but I help my father raise horses. If you go onto my dA page (
http://caitriona695.deviantart.com/ ) you can see pictures of most all of our babies: Dixie, Rebel, Bonnie, Belle, and Bess. Well, we decided to breed our mare again. Actually we didn't have much choice in the matter. Saturday morning when I got up to the barn there were two rather innocent horsie faces looking at me from a side of the barn where only ONE rather innocent horsie face should have been. Surely, I thought, I am mistaken! Nope! It seems that Dixie, the mare, went into heat and found a way into the stallion, Rebel's, paddock. I even went into work late because I wanted to check the fence rows, and I couldn't find a damn thing. I guess Superman isn't the only one who can leap a tall building/fence in a single bound and we aren't the only ones that can answer
inuerotica's Spring Fever challenge!
Rather than wonder for a couple of months whether it took to not, we just decided to go on ahead and let them breed for this heat cycle. Here in about 11ish months we will have a brand new baby to add to the herd. For now we just have to deal with horsie mood swings.