Jul 06, 2005 11:53
SO not getting married. Dustin left for Idaho at 7am on the 4th, I doubt I will see him again he was pretty hurt when he asked for a second chance on saturday and I said no. But I had started dating someone else by then.
New guy's name is Tony John, not to be confused with Tony Ravins, hey I can't help it that their parents all name them the same! He is from boston and here for the summer, he is a psych major and 24 that seems to be a pretty common age for me these days, don't ask me why because I don't know. He really likes me and it's nice to be with someone who's not always trying to change me or tell me that I'm too young or irrespoinsible or unexperienced.
Although on the morning of the 4th I was in the ER getting xrays taken of my neck because a 9 year old girl named tia made tony and I play crack the egg with her on sunday night and I kept form but my neck didn't. On monday morning I woke up and my head was just pounding so I called in sick at work and went to the ER, I only had a sprain but other people with the same injury have been paralyzed from the waist down so I will not be playing that game anymore. That night at the bbq I had to wear a collar and as soon as I finished telling one person what happened someone else would ask. it got real old, real fast and I didn't get to play any volleyball which was even more depressing. I tried to play but as soon as I got on the court, Ginger yelled at me that it wasn't sfe and made me sit down. Tony felt so guilty. oh well.
Yesterday Movado called me to let me know that they are almost done with the paperwork and are just waiting on one more document before I can come aboard and that they are increasing my offer, I almost shit my pants! who in their right mind increases the offer after I've already accepted the job? I'm lovin it though, who am I to refuse?