Title: The Reluctant President (12/?)
caitrinRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.
Genre: AU, romance, drama, mystery
Feedback: Much appreciated.
Timeline: Day one of the Lyman administration.
General Note: In this world, things went AU in season six when Donna quit.
"You hired my husband. You bastard."
"CJ - "
"Without even talking to me. We had a perfectly nice life, Sam, and then you had to go and mess it all up."
"CJ. Do you really think your life is the one that got the most messed up today?"
He heard her sigh. "No, no, of course not. You're right. I'm just - I can't believe this is happening."
"No one can believe this is happening. You know he quit his job first, right?"
"What? Who?"
"Danny. I was just going to offer him some sort of big exclusive and maybe my firstborn child in return for him going off the record for a few hours and staying with the President as a friend until they got back to DC. But he had already quit, so I hired him."
"I know. He told me. It's good to hear that your stories match up, though." Suddenly CJ laughed. "And Sam?"
"We don't really need your firstborn child. We have enough trouble with ours."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Sam, you didn't actually call to tell me you'd hired Danny, did you?"
"No, I didn't. At least, that's not the only reason."
CJ sighed. "I already talked to the President, but I'm sure you know that."
"I do."
"I'm not coming back full time. I'm not working those hours again. I have a baby and I'd like to see her occasionally."
"Fine," Sam said. "Come back as a Senior Advisor to the President. We'll keep your hours as reasonable as possible."
"Sam, you know the President already convinced me. I'll be there tomorrow and we'll discuss the details then. Now, what are you actually calling about?" CJ prodded.
"Danny told you where I am, right?" Sam started.
"Yes. Did you find Donna?"
"Yes. We're coming back to DC in the morning."
"I was wondering . . ."
"WHAT, Sam?" CJ asked, annoyed.
"I was going to have her stay with me, but . . . she has a son," Sam finally blurted.
"Oh, God. Is it . . ."
"Okay. Is she married?"
"No, she's single."
"Well, that's something, although you realize we'll have to keep the President from going after the guy."
"I know," Sam agreed.
"So you were wondering . . . You want them to stay with me and Danny," CJ said.
"Your house is baby-proofed," Sam pointed out.
"I don't know. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms."
"Well, it might be in your best interests to do something about that regardless," Sam said dryly.
"What do you mean?"
"You really think it will be good for anyone if you're on bad terms with the President's girlfriend?"
"The President's - really?"
"Well, not yet, but that seems to be where things are headed, if the two of them ever manage to actually talk about it."
"Good." CJ paused for a moment, and when she spoke again, her tone was softer. "I miss Donna. We were friends."
"I know you do," Sam said. "I think it's time to fix it."
"I'll put her on the phone."
"Now?" CJ asked, suddenly nervous.
"Work with me here, CJ. Today of all days, I really need everyone to just get over themselves and cooperate."
CJ chuckled.
"What?" Sam asked.
"You sounded like Leo just then."
Sam felt himself blush. "Uh, thanks. I figured someone has to."
"Sam - I know this wasn't necessarily what you'd planned, but you're going to be good at this. Trust me. I know."
"Thanks, CJ."
"Okay. Now let me talk to Donna."