Pure Exhaustion

Aug 26, 2021 19:11

First week of the new term and I am so exhausted. Apparently one of my coworkers is annoyed at me because she wanted me to go say hello to a new GA 15 minutes before the GA meeting where we would, you know, meet all the GAs, and I preferred to spend that 15 minutes trying to wrangle the four new class requests I had just gotten. I regret nothing, and another colleague and I agree that our coworker is actually mad at our boss/the world because reasons* but being mad at the boss is rather impotent, so why not snark at someone who is helpful, what could go wrong.

*Reasons: Things the boss has been dealing with, and in fairness can't immediately fix: the loss of some of our working spaces due to renovations, which means all of us are going to be all on top of each other for the next couple years by the end of the semester; two people leaving (one person's contract ended, the other got a better job) and then the Dean not placing either position on the "strategic prioritization" list; how tiny our merit raises are (I'm a millennial so this is literally the third raise I've ever gotten in my life and I was excited about it!); and of course the constant stresses of being an educator in a pandemic.

I'm also balancing some health stuff, and had planned a half-day on Tuesday that became a full sick-day because I had a hysterosalpingogram and it was terrible. I mean, my squishy bits are actually healthy, so yay, but it turns out inserting catheters of iodized dye and then just...releasing it for an x-ray is incredibly awful. You get to lay there on a table with an awful feeling of bloat that makes you think simultaneously of peeing, pooping, farting, and throwing up, and you just have to....feel it until it goes away. Then they remove the tubes and such and you limp bloodily to get dressed again and out the clinic. When I got to the car I started crying and couldn't stop, and thank goodness Scott was able to give me a ride that day because I would have hated to alarm an innocent Uber driver. So I went home, took the hottest shower I could, and then slept all afternoon, which put me behind for the rest of the week, and so here I am, class-wrangling rather than being social, and apparently irking people by being less sociable.

So it goes.

life after lockdown

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