Three Interests Meme!

Dec 25, 2020 21:19

ithiliana :

1. Comment on this entry, and I'll pick three things from your profile interests. If you don't have any listed, link your intro post or tags, and I'll choose three of your fandoms or other interests you've mentioned.

2. Make a post in your journal or comment here and talk about the words or phrases I picked.

She gave me:

Sylvia Plath


Atheism: I read PZ Meyer's blog for a while back in the 2000s. There was a period when I was interested in atheism, but frankly so many atheists I know use their atheism as a reason to be an asshole that I just fell out of interest.

Sylvia Plath: I find her so fascinating as a writer and as a woman writer whose work gets "treated." Right now I'm reading Heather Clark's ginormous biography of Plath and she was such a fascinating person whose work just really gets tidied away. "She had mental issues, poor thing, here's a couple good poems about death." Of all things I've gotten some serious insights into my mom from that book because of the depth it goes into in the stultifying world of the 1950s.

Electrasy: They were one of my favorite bands! They did two albums and then combusted. Very 2000s punk/hip-hop. Still enjoy them when they come on my shuffle.


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