A Book a Day: Many Waters

Aug 13, 2020 15:56

 Every day (ish) I'm sharing an image of a book I like. L'Engle's books are some classic comfort reads for me, because they are so delightfully weird and sincerely buy-in to that weird. Many Waters is my personal fave of the Wrinkle in Time Quartet because time travel, women of the Bible, and also all the angel sex that is hinted at but doesn't actually happen on the page. I'm thinking about rereading this one to see how it holds up in the middle of a pandemic, because one of the questions the book asks is basically about the health of a society, and at what point does society largely become irredeemable. So of course this takes place just before the Great Flood, when an awful lot of people are assholes, a number of people are good and act for the collective good, and an awful lot of people are "neutral" because it's none of their business--and therefore get punished with the baddies. We'll ignore the lols inherent in good angels being gold and bad/sexy angels being rainbow.

Additional cover art "appreciation":

(This is what my old copy looks like, btw. The 1990ishness of it, my word.)

Meanwhile, choices were made here:

And finally--what the crap?

a book a day

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