The Discovery Fic I Don't Have Time To Write

Feb 22, 2018 12:03

 Where the distress signal from the Enterprise is because they have found Prime!Lorca accompanied by Mirror!Culber. Culber was with the Resistance and is in bad shape in Sickbay. Captain Pike is like, "We found these guys and they are supposed to be on your ship. Da fuq?"

Burnham has to constantly run interference between Spock and Sarek.

Sarek has to mindmeld with Lorca, who IS Prime!Lorca but spent lots of time being tortured and on the run in Mirrorverse. He was found by the Resistance, and Mirror!Culber looked after him in typical h/c and also slashy ways. They are basically boyfriends.

Stamets is all "BAE!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Not my BAE. FML." Such angst ensues. But also Culber is drawn to Stamets, and double-angst because he also cares for Lorca.

Everyone on DIS keeps giving Lorca LOOKS and he's like WTF. Saru has to explain because no one else wants to.

For reasons because obvs Lorca and Culber have to stay on the ship. Drama ensues.


I got my paws on the new Discovery novel Drastic Measures, which is about young Georgiou and young Lorca and Tarsus IV. On the one hand, it's interesting, and Lorca has an edge to him that is intriguing but also very much because no one told the writer the man we saw was from the Mirrorverse. The author is also trying desperately to be contemporary political and has part of the situation on Tarsus be related to taking in refugees from another colony, but...he also doesn't work this in in a believable way. It just happened. I'm only part way through so maybe it will be relevant, but I doubt  it. Also, part of Lorca's arc is his gf is among those killed. Like, witnessing a eugenic genocide--not that they've talked much about eugenics--is bad but it's ALSO bad because a woman we never even see was fridged. :| This is why fic is better, man.

meta not meta, not a book review, star trek

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