December Flailing

Dec 06, 2014 22:03

Somehow it is already December and I am flailing spastically.

I offered to do a pay-it-forward thing and haven't gotten to it yet. (I don't feel too too bad since everyone else is in the same boat. INTENTIONS OKAY. Which, if you read this and you signed up too? Don't worry about it. I'm a HORRIBLE PERSON, okay, I DO NOT MIND.)

I have to do Christmas presents. Which are hard. I SUCK SO HARD AT ALL SOCIAL NICETIES THIS IS WHY I COOK.

I need to dissertate. And figure out traveling and write papers and stuff.

I just. I'd like to curl up in a little ball all the time? It's the holidays, that is the general effect they have on me. That, and a desire to eat all of the chocolates.

So. This too will pass. But man oh man. Getting there.

real life

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