My Prelims Reading List is Almost Done!

Jun 18, 2013 11:42

Sending it by my committee again but I think this is The One!

Sharing because I'm inordinately pleased.

Book History

1. Barchas, Janine. Graphic Design, Print Culture, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

2. Beal, Peter. In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and Their Makers in Seventeenth-century England. 1998.

3. Birkerts, Sven. Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age.
4. Blair, Ann. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information Before the Modern Age. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.

5. Chartier, Roger. The Order of Books. Tr. Lydia Cochrane. Stanford University Press, 1994.

6. Chartier and Cavallo, A History of Reading in the West. University of Massachusetts Press, 2003.

7. Clegg, Cyndia Susan. Press Censorship in Caroline England. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

8. Dane, Joseph A. The Myth of Print Culture. Essays on Evidence, Textuality and Bibliographical Method. University of Toronto Press, 2003.

9. De Grazia, Margreta. "What is a Work? What is a Document?." New Ways of Looking at Old Texts: Papers of the Renaissance Text Society, 1985-1991 (1985): 199-208.

10. Eisenstein, Elizabeth. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge University Press, 1979.

11. "How Revolutionary was the Print Revolution?" A forum featuring a debate
between Elizabeth Eisenstein and Adrian Johns, American Historical Review
107:1 (2002), pp. 84-128.

12. Eliot, Simon. "Circulating Libraries in the Victorian Age and After." In The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, edited by Peter Hoare, E. S.
Leedham-Green, Teresa Webber and Giles Mandelbrote. 125-46. Cambridge, UK; New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

13. Eliot and Rose. Companion to the History of the Book. Wiley & Sons, 2011.

14. Ezell, Margaret. Social Authorship and the Advent of Print. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.

15. Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Winchester: St Pauls' bibliographies and New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 1995.

16. Genette, Gérard. Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation. 1997.

17. Grafton, Anthony. "The Importance of Being Printed." Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1980). Review of Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change.

18. Howsam, Leslie. Old Books and New Histories: An Orientation to Studies in Book and Print Culture. University of Toronto Press, 2006.

19. Jenkins, Henry. Convergence culture: where old and new media collide. NYU press, 2006.

20. Johns, Adrian. Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates. University of Chicago Press, 2009.

21. Knight, Jeffrey Todd. Bound to Read: Compilations, Collections, and the Making of Renaissance Literature. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.

22. Love, Harold. Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-century England. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993

23. Love, Harold. The Culture and Commerce of Texts: Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England. University of Massachusetts Press, 1998.

24. Marotti, Arthur. Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric. Cornell University Press, 1995.

25. Maruca, Lisa. The Work of Print: Authorship and the English Text Trades, 1660-1760. University of Washington Press, 2007.

26. Masten, Jeffrey, Peter Stallybrass, and Nancy Vickers, Eds. Language Machines: Technologies of Literary and Cultural Production. Routledge, 1997.

27. McKenzie, D.F. Making Meaning: “Printers of the Mind” and Other Essays. Ed. Peter D. MacDonald and Michael F. Suarez. University of Massachusetts Press, 2002.

28. McKitterick, David. Print, Manuscript, and the Search for Order, 1450-1830. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

29. McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University of Toronto Press, 1962.

30. Moxon, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing. Oxford University Press, 1958.

31. Myers, Robin. The Stationers' Company and the book trade, 1550-1990. Oak Knoll Press, 1997.

32. Needham, Paul. The Printer & the Pardoner: An Unrecorded Indulgence Printed by William Caxton for the Hospital of St. Mary Rounceval, Charing Cross, 1986.

33. Orgel, Stephen. Spectacular Performances: Essays on Theatre, Imagery, Books, and Selves in Early Modern England. Manchester University Press, 2012.

34. Pettegree, Andrew. The Book in the Renaissance. Yale University Press, 2011.

35. Raven, James. The Business of Books: Booksellers and the English Book Trade, 1450-1850.

36. John Sutherland, "The Victorian Novelists: Who Were They?" in The Book History Reader.

Early Modern Literature and Culture/Seventeenth Century Studies.


37. Charles I. Eikon Basilike.

38. Bacon, Francis. The Essays.

39. Donne, John. Poems by J.D.

40. Ford, John. ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore.

41. Herbert, George. The Temple.

42. Hobbes, Thomas. Selections from Leviathan.

43. Hooker, Richard. Selections from Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie.

44. James VI. Baslikon Doron.

45. Jonson, Ben. “The Golden Age Restored.”

46. --------------- The Masque of Blackness.

47. --------------- Bartholomew Fair.

48. ------------------- The Staple of News.

49. Lovelace, Richard. Lucasta.

50. Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus.

51. Marvell, Andrew. “To His Coy Mistress” and Other Poems.

52. Middleton, Thomas. Women Beware Women.

53. Milton, John. Eikonklastes.

54. ---------------- Paradise Lost.

55. ----------------- Paradise Regained.

56. O’Malley, Susan, Ed. Custome is an Idiot: Jacobean Pamphlet Literature on Women. University of Illinois Press, 2004.

57. Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night.

58. --------------------------- Hamlet.

59. --------------------------- Richard II.

60. Sidney, Sir Philip. The Defense of Poesy.

61. ---------------------- Astrophel and Stella.

62. Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene, Parts One and Two.

63. Traherne, Thomas. Selected Poems and Prose.

64. Tyndale, William. The Obedience of a Christian Man.

65. Webster, John. The Duchess of Malfi.


66. Barbour, Reid. Literature and Religious Culture in Seventeenth Century England. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

67. Duffy, Eamon. The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580. Yale University Press, 2005.

68. Goldberg, Jonathan. James I and the Politics of Literature: Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne, and Their Contemporaries. Stanford University Press, 1990.

69. Hill, Christopher. The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution. Penguin Books, 1984.

70. Lander, Jesse M. Inventing Polemic: Religion, Print, and Literary Culture in Early Modern England. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

71. Loewenstein, David, and James Grantham Turner, Eds. Heretics, Literature, and Politics in Early Modern English Culture. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

72. Longfellow, Erica. Women and Religious Writing in Early Modern England. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
73. Manley, Lawrence. Literature and Culture in Early Modern London. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

74. Pask, Kevin. The Emergence of the English Author: Scripting the Life of the Poet in Early Modern England. 1996.

75. Patterson, Annabel. Censorship and Interpretation: The Conditions of Writing and Reading in Early Modern England. University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.

76. Perry, Curtis. The Making of Jacobean Culture: James I and the Renegotiation of Elizabethan Literary Practice. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

77. Raymond, Joad. Pamphlets and Pamphleteering in Early Modern Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

78. Werstine, Paul. Early Modern Playhouse Manuscripts and the Editing of Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Early Modern Women Writers


79. Behn, Aphra. Oronoko.

80. Cary, Elizabeth. The Tragedy of Mariam.

81. Cavendish, Jane and Elizabeth Brackley, Concealed Fancies.

82. Cavendish, Margaret. Bell in Campo.

83. ------------------------ The Blazing World.

84. Clifford, Lady Anne. The Diaries of Lady Anne Clifford.

85. Elizabeth I. [Stump, Donald, and Felch, Eds. Elizabeth I and Her Age. W.W.Norton, 2008.]

86. Fell, Margaret. Womens Speaking Justified.

87. Hoby, Margaret. Diary of an Elizabethan Lady.

88. Hutchinson, Lucy. Order and Disorder.

89. Lanier, Emilia. Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum.

90. Sidney, Mary. The Tragedy of Antonie.

91. [Jane Stevenson and Peter Davidson, Eds.] Selections from Early Modern Women Poets: An Anthology.

92. Trapnell, Anna. Report and Plea.

93. Wroth, Mary. The First Part of Urania.


94. Anderson, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Sauer, Eds. Books and Readers in Early Modern England. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.

95. Brant, C. and D. Purkiss. Women, Texts, and Histories 1575-1760. London, 1992.

96. Daybell, J., Ed. Early Modern Women’s Letter writing, 1450-1700. Basingstoke, 2001.

97. Dowd, M.M. and J.A. Eckerle, Eds. Genre and Women’s Life Writing in Early Modern England. Aldershot, 2007.

98. Ezell, Margaret. Writing Women’s Literary History. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

99. Gallagher, Catherine, Nobody's Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace,1670-1820. 1994.

100. Goldberg, Jonathan. Desiring Women Writing: English Renaissance Examples. Stanford University Press, 1997.

101. Graham, E. et al. Her Own Life: Autobiographical Writings by Seventeenth-Century Englishwomen. London, 1989.

102. Hackel, Heidi Brayman. Reading Material in Early Modern England. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

103. Justice, G.L. and N. Tinker. Women’s Writing and the Circulation of Ideas: Manuscript Publication in England, 1550-1800. Cambridge, 2002.

104. Knoppers, Laura L., Ed. The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Women’s Writing. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

105. McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. 1998.

106. Scott, Joan Wallach. Gender and the Politics of History. Columbia University Press, 1999.

107. Smith, Helen. ‘Grossly Material Things’: Women and Book Culture in Early Modern England. Oxford University Press, 2012.

108. Summit, J. Lost Property: The Woman Writer and English Literary History, 1380-1589. Chicago, 2000.

books, grad school, reading, book history

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