Ficlet: Ju Ran, PG, Firefly/XI

Jan 31, 2011 22:16

Title: Ju Rán
Author: caitri
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy (mentioned)
Word Count: 376
Summary: Kirk. River. Prison break. Star Trek/Firefly x-over. Part of the First Rule of Flyin’ verse.
Disclaimer: I know this may come as a shock, but I am not, amazing as it may seem, Gene Roddenberry, J.J. Abrams, Paramount or Bad Robot. Joss Whedon, Fox, or Universal, either. Just so you know.

“Ugh,” Kirk mutters as he comes to. “Oh. Oh that sucked.”

“You alright there, Captain?” Mal asks. The man looks a little green around the gills….

“Captain?” Inara echoes blankly.

“Yeah, really long story,” Mal answers, still focused on Kirk. “Earth-That-Was, long lost colonies, massive conspiracies.” He pauses to look up at her with a sunny beam. “Know you wouldn’t be interested.” He turns his attention back to the other man, who is looking worse by the second. “C’mon, chwen, snap out of it. Anything happens to you your doctor’ll kill me.”

He hears some wet coughing behind him, followed by the unmistakable sound of throwing up. “Uh oh,” he mutters, backing away just as Kirk follows River’s example and vomits. It’s mostly bile and some yellow substance-probably whatever drugs the Blue Sun men had pumped into their systems.

Kirk makes a final sound of disgust. “God that’s gross.” He looks over Mal’s shoulder. “You okay, mei-mei?”

“Affirmative,” the moonbeam says, voice trembling slightly. She’s looking around their cell, her eyes wide. “Two by two…”

“…Hands of blue. Yeah, I saw.” Kirk makes a face.

“Do you have any idea what they’re talking about?” Inara asks Mal.

“Nope,” he says, standing up to look at her properly for the first time since their earlier reunion. “It’s kinda a habit of theirs. I take no mind of it and wait for ‘em to translate.”

Inara makes an impatient sound. “What have you gotten into this time, Mal?”

“I told you!” Mal shoots back in irritation. “Earth-That-Was, lost colonies, massive-“

“-conspiracies, yes, I heard you the first time,” Inara says dryly. “What I really wanted to know was how we get out of here? You heard what the officers said! We’re in Gong An Prison! We’re locked up with some of the worst offenders on the Core!”

“Wrong,” Jim says, voice surprisingly cool. “We’re not locked up with them. They’re locked up with us.” He grins at River, standing up. He takes something from his pocket and presses it to the center of the locked door. “Yuàn yì, mei-mei?”

“Shi de,” River says obligingly, taking her place next to him. They grin at each other wildly, and as one, they kick open their cell.

fanfiction, firefly, stories, star trek

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