Fic: Haojiu Bujian, Kirk/McCoy, PG

Jan 12, 2011 22:07

Title: Haojiu Bujian
Author: caitri
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy
Word Count: 620
Summary: Star Trek/Firefly x-over. Kirk and McCoy reunite. Part of the First Rule of Flyin’ ‘verse, following Da Bianhua.
Disclaimer: I know this may come as a shock, but I am not, amazing as it may seem, Gene Roddenberry, J.J. Abrams, Paramount or Bad Robot. Joss Whedon, Fox, or Universal, either. Just so you know.

The first thing Mal sees when they enter the Sickbay is his people. They are all clustered together, Zoe and Kaylee holding oxygen masks over their faces. Book, Jayne, and Tam stand off to the side with a woman in an immaculate white dress, cut halfway to her knees. The moonbeam dances to her brother, smiling and whispering into his ear; Mal frowns in consternation, and wonders what gosse will come of that. And Wash is sitting on some sort of hospital bed while a man in a blue tunic presses a device to his neck, saying, “This won’t hurt.”

Wash grunts in surprised pain. “You said it wouldn’t hurt!” he exclaims with an injured look. The cuts on his face have been cleaned up, Mal notes, and there’s still a couple bruises, but he looks no worse for wear.

For the first time in a few hours, Mal feels like he can breathe easy. “You look good, Wash,” he greets his pilot, and there’s a welcoming chorus from his crew. The man in blue turns to them, but he only has eyes for the man beside Mal.


Kirk grins at the man. “Hey, Bones,” he says in that light way of his that Mal knows to be more bluster than anything. “Miss me?”

“Miss you!” ‘Bones’ is incensed. He stalks towards Kirk, gesturing madly all the while. “Miss you?! Dammit, man, we’ve had our hands full since you went off the grid weeks ago! Spock was tryin’ to get any bit of news out of the admiralty but it was nothin’ doin’, not even Pike, and-“

“Bones!” Kirk interrupts the man’s tirade, but it doesn’t work. He just speaks louder and faster.

“-tried to get them to send a second team but of course not-“


Mal stares at them. “They always like this?” he quietly asks the woman in white.

She doesn’t look up from the device she holds in her hands, methodically punching the surface of it with a stylus. “Sometimes they get loud,” she says with a shrug.

He doesn’t know what to say to that, so he joins his second in command and claps Zoe on the shoulder. She gives him a wry grin of greeting and holds her husband’s arm a little tighter. Mal nods back, and decides the only thing to do is sit back and watch the show.

“-Scotty was going on about how we could track down the trace signal but when Spock told Komack about it he wouldn’t let them do it, it’s like he wants you to get lost sometimes I swear to God, whatever did you do to him? And Archer wouldn’t say a damn thing, and you know why-“


“-Dammit, Jim, the least you could’ve done was-“


“-even Spock was worried you-“

Kirk grabs the other man’s face and pulls it to his own, silencing the fierce diatribe with a kiss.

“Huh,” Jayne says in surprise, verbally articulating most everyone’s thoughts on the matter. He turns to Kaylee. “So y’mean ev’ry time you two was ‘busy’ you really was workin’ on the engines?”

Kaylee rolls her eyes heavenward. “Yu bun duh!” she mutters in exasperation.

Kirk and ‘Bones’ break apart at last. “I’m sorry,” Kirk says quietly, with what seems to be genuine repentance.

The dark-haired man is gruff. “I know. We’ll talk later,” he adds, as if suddenly remembering they have an audience, even though the white-clad nurse seems intent on ignoring them.

“Right,” Kirk says, drawing the word out as he beams at the crew of the Serenity. Addressing them all, he says with no small amount of pride, “Welcome to the Enterprise.”

fanfiction, firefly, stories, star trek

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