We had freezing rain outside and while Texas freezes are not like Georgia freezes (thankfully), it is making the cats all extra snuggly-clingy. So I'm taking it easy and half-hoping maybe the University will be closed tomorrow for the hell of it.
Douglas Coupland has written a book about Marshall McLuhan. I don't know how I feel about this, I really don't.
I'm debating whether to go to the couch with a book or finally watch Inception, because it arrived on Friday. I never saw it in the theaters because both Hal and Todd were all "eh" on it and I'm not a fan of anyone in the film, so it wasn't much of a must-see. Then the Internet freaked out over Tom Hardy, and I'm sorry, but I Don't See the Attraction. :/ (Yes, clearly I DO live on my own planet, why do you ask?) So.
I'm also contemplating the contents of my kitchen to see if there's something I could experiment in cooking because that would warm the house up nicely. We'll see.