Movie Review: Tangled

Nov 27, 2010 22:10

Okay, I LOVE this movie. Let me explain what this means: In the past thirty-six hours I saw Chris Pine's junk and Tangled, and I loved Tangled MOAR.

Alright, then.

Are your jaws off the floor now? Good.


Okay so let me wax on all the things I love. I love Zachary Levi, period, and I adored everything about his performance here, and his singing was icing on the cake. I love the line, "Frying pans! who knew, right?" I love the horse-puppy hybrid that was Maximilion. And I loved Rapunzel.

Now historically I have never identified with Disney heroines. Ever. Not even Belle, though I loved her. They were just too perfect. Rapunzel is a flawed human being because she had a warped upbringing and she doesn't know it for most of the film. The scene that killed me is her running away and alternately rejoicing in her freedom and bursting into tears, because it was so frikkin' real. And the big wrencher at the end made me tear up. Just solidly done stuff there.

The film unraveled for me a bit in the end as I thought Rapunzel stepped up for herself way too quickly. In fairness this is when she miraculously remembers her real family, but still. I could have done without that, though I understand why it was there, as otherwise her big moment of standing up is when she begs to save Flynn's life. And then her real family cottons on to their long-lost daughter waaaay fast, but those are small complaints.

The music was great, the animation was great. I wanna go again. That is all.

movie reviews, movies

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