Nov 09, 2010 18:32
So I finally heard back from some conference people and they are going to figure out a place to put me. YAY. I finishd a draft of my talk today. I don't know if it will get better but I did a practice read and I don't think it sucked too much. Not the best work I've ever done by a long shot, but so it goes.
Got the Wesleyan Anthology of SF in the mail. I'm writing a review of it so that will be my plane reading.
Also packing extra books so I can finish revisions on that Buffy article.
I may well be holed up most of this trip writing. I can live with this.
Major thanks to the Familia Samuelson who will be taking care of my furchildren. In my absence my posts will be Friends Only, but I will post updates as can. :)