Review, or, Hell YEAH I just saw Star Trek!

May 07, 2009 22:21

Important factoids first:

1) Yes, it was awesome.

2) Sadly, no, there was no Kirk/Spock slash.


Commentary is post-cut. Warning: it uses absa-fucking-lutely necessary profanity.

So I had my doubts about this puppy. First I read the Countdown prequel comics which I thought were excessive in mythology, as they have Spock, Picard, Geordi, Data, Worf, and hella-references. And so I thought: movies that involve four issue prequels sometimes have problems. Secondly, Abrams loves blowing shit up. He really really does. And he blows shit up here too--multiple ships, two planets, and craploads in between.


The good, and by good I mean awesome:

*The characterizations of the main cast are dead on. Absolutely fucking perfect every damn time. Which when you think about it, is pretty fucking incredible.

*Young Spock. Young Spock beating the bejeezus out of a kid who mocks his parentage. Older Spock basically telling the Vulcan Council to eat it. Hell yes.

*The continuity. Pike. The reference to Scotty's unfortunate past with "one of Admiral Archer's prized beagles." Gorgeous.

*Using the continuity to make a reboot: Props there, guys. Props.

*Kirk beating the Kobayashi Maru.

*The gratuitous and necessary red-shirt biting it in a brutal, subtle-ish, and hilarious fashion.

*Sulu bringing a katana to a fist fight.

*Chekov having issues with "V" sounds.

*Leonard Fucking Nimoy. Hell yeah, dude.

The meh:

*Abrams stole lots of stuff from Firefly and BSG. From Firefly/Serenity: Sound disappears in vacuums a couple of times. Long tracking shots through the ship. A climactic fistfight on a weird rotating thingie over a void thingie. Also, Kirk and Pike liberate some Romulan guns that look damn close to six-shooters. From BSG: they stole the warping effects and sound effects. I would be less bugged by these things if they had put some quiet references to the source material.

*Similarly, the first ten minutes were so damn melodramatic I thought he'd start stealing from Superman Returns and have someone being all "The Father becomes the Son, and the Son becomes the Father," blah blah blah.

*Speaking of: So Kirk has Daddy issues and Spock has Mommy issues? Pfft.

*Spock and Uhura? Man, Nurse Chapel's in for a helluva surprise isn't she? Also, doesn't this mean Spock is dating a student? Isn't that uncool?

The bad:

*Eric Bana is wasted. It's like they told him every damn scene, "now crouch here and growl some." Nero has a tragic past and stuff--you can tell because he keeps a holograph of his dead pregnant wife in the background while interrogating Pike. I think we should be feeling all Magneto-ey for this guy, we can kinda emphasize with him even though we really want him to stop blowing shit up. But no. And then there's the aforementioned crouching. Sigh.

*Nope, still no gays. Kirk is such an uber-horndog as a young guy, a bi reference would have been beautiful. But no, and no one else either. Argh.

*Spock's parents. In TOS, Spock had the awesomest, cutest parents. These people--nuh uh. Wynona Fucking Ryder?? Shee-it. Can't we just like reuse archival footage and make it blend?

*Abrams blowing up so much shit and using so much flashy hand-held camera that all the fight and action scenes are blurs. Sulu brought a fucking katana to a fistfight, and I saw next to NONE of that. Utter waste.


I am quite pleased, to say the least. If they do an honest-to-gods reboot and start up a new series or movie franchise, I'm so friggin' in.

reviews, movie reviews, star trek

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