
Sep 21, 2008 10:39

Another full house this weekend, though under better circumstances mostly. Scott's Aunt Dorothy and cousin Ethan came to visit as Ethan had a scholarship tour of A&M through the weekend. We also have our friend Melanie staying with us for the moment due to unpleasant sewage issues at her home. It's fun though--kind of like having a small party all the time.

I was looking at my calendar for work this weekend and it is going to be pretty crazy. I *really* need to find some time to sit down and work on some research papers and proposals. There's also been a call for chapters for a book on Teaching Buffy that I want to write a chapter for.

Sigh. So much to do, so little time to do it in. And, I still want to level up in WoW for the new expansion release (I have one level to go) and I also got Warhammer if I can find time for that too.

Oh, and lastly, the New Lapham's Quarterly is out and I highly recommend it to anyone here in education. Its theme is "Ways of Learning" and it has some really great essays.

More later.

world of warcraft, lapham, gaming, academia

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