I Love Mail

May 27, 2008 19:32

I like getting the mail when I come home in the evening. I particularly like it when I get reading material and not spam. Today I got the new issues of The American Archivist and Realms of Fantasy, and because I am me I tossed TAA on the couch and opened up RoF.

RoF has a story by Way Jeng called "Somebody Desperately Needed to Be Neil Gaiman."

What would Neil Gaiman have done if he were sitting where I was? Probably start writing a story. He'd have one right away, no problem. He was Neil Gaiman. He could do that sort of thing, being Neil Gaiman and all.


It was not easy being Neil Gaiman. I suspect it's not easy to be anyone, except possibly one of the homeless people by the train station. You don't have to do very much at all to be one of them.

It's a really well-written story. And of course, the rest of the mag isn't that bad either.


neil gaiman, writers

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