Christian Apolcalyptism for Tweens!

May 17, 2008 20:40

Yeah, so I went to go see Prince Caspian today and am more than slightly traumatized. This thing really needs to be rated at least PG-13. It was *way* mroe violent than Iron Man. Now generally I don't have a problem with violence in movies, but I make an exception to this puppy because it is advertised *explicitly* as a kiddie picture. Nonetheless, we are treated to: *lots* of stabbings, throat-slittings, getting shot in heads with arrows, getting stabbed in the face, getting beheaded, and getting squished by stone. Um, yeah.

I had previously said upon hearing they planned to make all seven films of the Narnia series that there would be no way anyone would make a feature of The Last Battle. I'm retracting that statement as there was some pretty heavy foreshadowing for that puppy, which you may remember is the volume that is essentially Revelations with talking animals.

I liked this film fine as a movie, and even better if I pretend it has nothing to do with the book that I fondly remember as a child (and frankly, it doesn't much resemble that book anyway, for what it's worth). But the aforementioned issues bother me.

Go read "The Problem of Susan" in Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things. You'll save yourself two hours and some issues.

neil gaiman, movie reviews

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