(no subject)

Jun 23, 2006 00:14

get some

l a s t
1. friend you saw: liz
2. Talked to on the phone: AJ
3. Text: lee or someone
4. Messaged over myspace: i dont know

t o d a y
1. Wearing: shirt and boxers
2. Better than yesterday?: yesterday was better

t o m o r r o w
1. Is: Friday
2. Got any plans: lunch date and then somethin about the movies..
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: everything

f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 27
2. Color: red and green
3. Season: fall

c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: sure
2. Mood: not happy
3. Wanting: food

Q: First thing you did this morning
A: got up got ready for the beach went to the beach

Q: Last thing you ate:
A: oreo cookie

Q: do you have anything bothering you?:
A: yea

Q: What's annoying you right now?:
A: lots

Q: What's the last movie you saw?:
A: red riding hood

Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?:
A: i dont think so.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
A: ya

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: lizs

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?:
A: mom i guess

Q: Do you have any siblings?:
A: 2sis and bro

Q Do you smile often?:
A: apparently not.. i thought i did

Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you too?
A: probably not.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: sometimes

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: i try to be

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:
A: mine

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: purplemaroon

Q: What were you doing at 12 last night?:
A: something with aj

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?:
A: i dont think saw him today so yesterday

Q: Do you have more guy friends or girls friends?
A: doesnt matter

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: 2 nights ago

Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: annoyed

Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
A: i dont remember

Q: Take any vitamins?
A: nope

Q: What are you about to do?
A: im making food

Q: Do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?
A: ya

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10.
A: 6

Q: Would you say that most people who first meet you like you?
A: probably not.

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