So, it is the new year! Hurrah! I feel like I should resolve to do things. Last year I decided I should Stop Being an Antisocial Introvert, so I started my tiny knitting group (if two can be called a group) which is still successfully happening pretty much every week (just not tonight because I'm sick and lame). This year I'm contemplating Getting
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1) I'm sure there's gotta be like a Golds gym or a Bally around there. You can probably get a basic membership package pretty cheap.
2) Do any of your knitting buddies go to the gym (or at least have some sort of exercise routine)?
3) Exercising for it's own sake isn't easy to get used to, but after a while it will become habitual. I used to be content sitting on my big fat squishy ass most of the time but now i feel funny if i haven't hit the treadmill in a few days.
4) They do make household exercise equiptment designed to be compact, though anything that won't break after a year would probably be kinda expensive....or at least anything that would provide a good cardiovascular workout. Some weights or stretchy rubberbands might be good for strength training (which is actually very important for women), though pushups and squats would be even better. I like squats. Or, get some aerobics vidios i.e. richard simmons. no, just kidding, don't do that.
5) The benefits of regular exercise are greater than you think.
6) Do it.
Or at least think about it.
1- A quick googling turned up precisely one gym in my entire neighborhood, a mere 30 blocks away (and a Curves, no less). My neighborhood is low on basic amenities like banks, let alone such bastions of yuppiedom as vegan muffin shops and gyms. Also, NY gyms=crazy expensive.
2- I know a few folks who run, but again with the freezing/dark problem.
3- Some folks just can't force themselves to eat veggies, I really can't stand the thought of jumping on a treadmill. I've tried it, I hated it, the end.
4- My room is 8 feet wide. NO EXTRA SPACE. For serious.
5- I know I know, that's why I'm contemplating it.
6- I might eventually break out Kelly's Wii Fit. Or, if I'm feeling extra crazy (and at least a little bit drunk), the DDR.
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