Nov 06, 2005 01:59
it is ridiculous how excited i am for rent.
carrie's an my room has been just one big "Rent" jollification. Songs are always playing or importing.
My parents say that they don't like "Rent" because it's so "in your face." i have yet to figure out what this means. In any sense of the phrase. If they mean it's just a really big show, then whatever! I'm all about being in your face in the sense of shows being loud and really big. It's almost more of a celebration of musical theater when it's big and loud and shows you just exactly the best it can do.
Idina Menzel is officially my hero. If I could BE anyone, it'd be her. Not only does she have my ideal voice (in a longer note, she'll hold the note before she goes into a vibrato, and her vibrato is slower and more rhythmic. This to me demonstrates a strong, unwavering voice. I love it.)
I am obsessed with movies. Trevor and I had this thing, it was more a joke between us, but we had the "professional movie watcher" club. It's for those people who will go see more than two movies in the theater if funds and time allowed, and love it every single time. They'll look at the way a movie is filmed or written, they'll look at the style, the music, who the director was and if they filmed it how they usually film their movies, etc. Members of the professional movie watcher club will know a lot about the actors' histories, random facts about the actors and their backgrounds, even their trainings. Knowing all this doesn't ruin the illusion of the movie, but instead it enhances your enjoyments of the movie. Ever since i was little, everything about going to the movies got me excited. I just got this feeling when i walked into a theater. Well, when you mix musical theater with film and the movie experience, I get ridiculously excited. And when people insult the movie musical and my anticipated excitement surrounding the premiere of the movie, i get extremely defensive. It's tasteless of the person who is doing this. They don't know my reasoning, they don't know why i love it so much. It's not just a movie!! It's, as i have so demonstrated in this post, not just about the movie. It's so much more.
I cry every time i get see a movie musical. Hell, i cry every time i see a non high school musical of any kind. EXCEPTION: sweeney todd at st. francis. Yes, becca, if you remember, i was hiding behind my program during a lot of the songs. But each time i saw Wicked I cried. When i saw The Lion King, i cried. When i saw Moulin Rouge, i cried (and NOT at the end, but during the songs), when i saw Chicago, and each time i saw Phantom i cried. Not necessarily bawled my eyes out. But even just so much as teared up. But it's just so overwhelming.
But not just the theater, the performance, or the music, but also the writing. I'm continually impressed and taken aback (my breath is literally taken away sometimes. I find myself pressed up against my seat, short of breath) with the way things are written and how they can express so much and can be worded so well, so carefully chosen, saying exactly what needs to be said. I'm also weird about words and I greatly appreciate language. Something about writing and the words and language-- just reading or listening to them makes me feel like i'm witnessing something that's all just part of something bigger than i'm seeing. Something larger and greater that's out there and i'm just privileged enough to get a glimpse at a part of it.
All these feelings are what made me decide to go into what i'm going into.
But like i've said, when someone insults my excitement surrounding a movie musical, i get defensive to the point of wanting to fight. "Jwanna fight? JWANNA?"
RENT HOOPLA continues in the Orbegoso-Boylan room.
"Give, give, all you do is give. Give me someway to show how you've touched me so." "Kiss me. It's beginning to snow."