A Cloudy Day in Metropolis:

Jan 02, 2007 00:30

"In no way am I endorsing you using any drugs. I've done a lot of drugs and they've all done bad things. And I did a shit-ton of acid and it fucking changes you, man; you're fucking different. Your brain changes. I had a bad trip once where I thought I was dead. I couldn't feel my heartbeat and I couldn't move and I thought, 'this is what death must be. I know I'm not going to heaven, but Hell should be a lot cooler than this.' And I'm not saying to do any drugs, but if you're going to fuck with hallucinogens, go with mushrooms. They're… from nature."

"I have a rule: If it's a drug in powder form or a drug that humans created, don't fucking do it. If it's a man-made drug in the form of a powder, don't even be in the same fucking room with it."

"Call me crazy, I just don't see the appeal in staying up for days on end. If I wanted that shit I would have applied myself in school and become a med student."
- Graber, celebrating four years of sobriety Jan. 1… sobriety being an absence of everything except the occassional beer and cigarette… which is pretty damn good all things considered.

We also came to the mutual agreement that "drip parties" were the wave of the future. I only have one real regret from the past semester and it's not having attended a med-student drip party. It's only a matter of time before some hillbilly gets a coffee can, a pole and a funnel tube and goes to town and brings the concept to the unwashed masses.

"We couldn't even get him to take a damn aspirin. He drank, and he smoked cigarettes but that's it."
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