darling dear, get a grip.

Oct 03, 2007 16:25

so im just here listening to music. i just found out a little while ago that 3 out of 4 of my favorite bands are on tour together. its the young wild things tour. fall out boy, plain white t's, cute is what we aim for, and gym class heroes. i realllly want to go! if anyone wants to go with me.. love me :]

today in english class, i had to read out loud my essay. i was already nervous enough.. but right before i had to do it.. i was playing with my ring and it fell off and rolled all the way to the other side of the classroom. nobody seemed to notice except for the guy in back of me. he started laughing and so did i and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. haa. good times.

i have to go to my grandmas house in grand island this weekend. she broke her foot. speaking of broken things, my lovely camera is broken too. :[ i never really appreciate things until they are gone. so now im probably going to have to pay 100 buckeroos to fix it. rawrr.

i miss you my ninjas. [518's]

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