This afternoon my mom and I took a jaunt to Wall Fresh Spring Park and Anclote Gulf Park, a bit north of us.
SO CUTE. The water was so clear I wanted to jump right in.
These sons-a-bitches just STARING and shrieking at you and generally being poo-shooting rats with wings.
You can barely see it because of the reflection, but that's the cave where the spring water comes from. Blocked off, of course.
An osprey chillin' on a sandbar.
Tiny fiddler crabs! My mom was telling me how her and her brothers and sisters used to catch them and put them on their hooks and go fishing.
It was stupidly hot, of course, an awesome bay breeze coming off the water when you're near it, but when you get into the brushy mangrove areas, the humidity just sinks and sticks to everything. I was drenched in sweat 15 minutes in.
Of course, now the regular afternoon/evening summer thunderstorm is here and I'm watching lightning out my windows. Welcome to Florida.
Last night my parents and I saw Toy Story 3 finally, and I cried, I CRIED. The ending, I can't even. It was so perfect. And omg I KNEW the voice of Trixie sounded familiar, it was Mel from Flight of the Conchords! Ahaha.
Doing all I can to disregard the Sunday evening blahs of going back to work tomorrow. Sigh.