Book Tree Bookishness

Mar 25, 2010 14:02

I've been feeling terribly guilty because I have waited for ages to read this month's book tree book. I had been working my way through Tolkien's books, I've got a couple of other series that I'm wanting to work my way through next, I was waiting for book club books to arrive and so rather than start another series when I was in the middle of two different ones anyway, I went ahead and read The Lord of the Rings despite knowing that it would take me ages and that I would be pushing it to read the book club book. But it wasn't the end of the world. I could always have stopped part way through The Lord of the Rings and read the book tree book, in fact, that was what I'd planned to do anyway! I was going to give myself between three and six weeks to read The Lord of the Rings and take a break with another book at the end of each book, but of course once I got sucked in, I couldn't really put it down.


Book 24 of 2010 - Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding
23/03/10 - 24/03/10
I've been saving this one all month because I knew it wouldn't take me too long to read, but I was starting to get a little bit paranoid that I would get held up and would end up having to post it without finishing it or something silly like that.

No need to worry.

It didn't take long at all, it's one of those nice fluffy books which you can read once, go back to several years later and it's just familiar enough to be comfortable but you've forgotten enough of it to make it new.

It was probably one of the first chick-lit books I ever read, after the film of course. I saw it at the cinema and then went straight to the local bookshop to order both the Bridget Jones books. At the time I didn't realise when it was published, but now it's starting to look a little bit dated. It was published in 1996 and there's references to things like Princess Diana and Noel's House Party which probably won't be as strong for younger people reading it in the future. Poor Bridget is going to be overtaken by Becky Bloomwood I suspect.

There's also something that happens when you read a Bridget Jones book. You start writing the way that she writes her journal entries. V. amusing.

It was a little bit weird going from The Lord of the Rings to Bridget Jones's Diary. Not a bad thing, just I found myself suddenly super aware of how casual the writing was compared to Tolkien, hehe. Then I found myself thinking of The Very Secret Diaries. Did discover my copy of The Edge of Reason in the bottom of my wardrobe the other day, think I'll have to dig it out again at some point to refresh my memory. I remember not liking it as much as the original. Somewhere I have Olivia Joules as well, I quite enjoyed reading that before but I've not picked it up since and I'm not sure whether I'd feel the same about it now. I'll have to have a read and see...

Just now I've nearly finished the first of the Ox-Tales series. I was going to read them one after the other, but I only brought the first one down the shop and I'm on the last story, so when I'm done I'll nip to the library and pick up The Red Dahlia and finish reading the rest of the series later in the year.

books, reading

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