Still reading!

Feb 02, 2010 12:53

I'm refusing to fall behind with this, but I wanted to post about Finn so posting about what I was reading didn't seem so important.

I am doing very well with reading at the moment. I think I'm averaging about fifty pages a day on most of these books. It's enough to get me through a book at around five days each, not that I'm racing, but later this year I want to read Lord of the Rings and I know that'll take me some time.

Book 8 of 2010 - Dead As A Doornail - Charlaine Harris
26/01/10 - 29/01/10
I totally spoiled myself for this book on New Year's Eve when I took the cellophane wrapping off the eight books in this set and read the backs of them all. All the same, I got completely into it. These books aren't shining literature, but they're a nice easy read, there's vampires and werewolves and telepaths.

They've got a formula that works. You know that there are going to be deaths, you know that there is going to be sex, you know that at least one male is going to fall for Sookie, and you know that sooner or later someone is going to try to kill/injury Sookie. But you still don't know quite what's going to happen next. You're never entirely sure who's going to be the next dead body, who's going to be the next killer, what new supernatural creature is going to be introduced to the mix or how they're going to go about trying to bump Sookie off this time. Despite the formulaic structure, things are surprising. And I like that. It's what keeps me reading - I might be thinking, 'there's only a hundred pages left, why hasn't anyone tried to murder Sookie yet' but I'm still not entirely sure when or where it's going to happen, hehe.

I also like that Sookie feels like a real person. As real as a telepath surrounded by werewolves, vampires and shape-shifters gets. I wouldn't want to be her, but I would love to get into her world. Because the story is told in first-person, it's all coming at you from her eyes. Sometimes she seems kind of shallow, fixating on what her boss is wearing and how coordinated her outfit it, but people are like that. I can think of plenty of occasions when I've seen someone and my immediate thought has been 'what is she wearing?!' or times when I've ogled cute customers. I'm probably very lucky that there aren't any telepaths in my immediate vicinity!

books, reading

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