Nov 27, 2006 02:10
yesterday my grandmom passed away. i was sleeping over jens and my mom called and told me to go over to my grandmoms house cause my dad walked in and found my grandmom dead. it was so wierd when i walked in i said goodbye and all of that and the undertakers like took the blanket off of her and i saw her body. it didnt even look like my grandmom. i never ever wanna die. i feel bad for my dad it looked like he was about to cry or something and he was trying to be all macho and whatnot. but i hate when my parents cry. i hate wierd stuff like this i never know how to act. i feel like i should be sadder but im not. maybe it hasnt hit me yet or something. i had to make a collague of all these pictures of my grandmom for the funeral. like a collague of her life i guess. it was sad. its so wierd how you live your life and in a split second you die and then your gone. my grandmom was 84 which was a long life and my grandpop died 20 years ago so im guessing she was lonely. but anyway the funerals gonna be on thursday and im gonna get to miss school. my entire family is flying in from eastjimbumble fuck and beyond. half them hate each other. im waiting for my mom and aunt to break out a fist fight in the middle of the funeral service.
and i stepped in a puddle of mud last night with caitlin when we were walking home from some keg and my clogs are ruined. buzz kill.