I hate girls

Feb 21, 2009 14:48

I have these 2 friends who I've been very close with for the past couple of years. Really close. We hung out all of the time and did everything together.

Things obviously changed slightly when I got my job last January, since I had to be a grown-up and couldn't go out all of the time and party. I still found time, though, to go out and see everyone and have a good time. I mean, just because I have a job now doesn't mean I have to completely give up my youth. Even though things changed slightly, we were still great friends and our friendships weren't affected.

In recent months, however, I haven't been out as much. I can admit that I just haven't felt up to going out as much. Work's been more stressful in recent times than it was like a year ago when I had first started. There's a lot more pressure, a lot more responsibility and both of that adds to a lot more stress. I haven't had the strength to go out at night when I have to wake up the next morning at 6:30 for work and then get myself through a 9-hour work day. This time last year, I could manage staying out until midnight-1am and getting up at 6:30 for work - Sure, I'd be tired or hungover, but I still managed. Now, though, I just don't see the point. I'd rather go to sleep earlier and miss out on going out at night and feel more energized and functional throughout the day, than go out to some sleezy New Brunswick Bar, surrounded by a bunch of frat kids. Going out at night (especially late at night) is just not worth it to me anymore.

Well because of this, my aforementioned friends think I don't make time for them. They think I don't care about hanging out with them and that I'm selfish. They've taken my absence at the bar personally, despite my efforts to explain to them that it's not about them. No matter how many times I explain that I'm tired and can't stay out late, etc., it just won't go through their heads.

The worst part is, though, that they keep bitching about me when I'm not around. I hear from other people the things that they've been saying and I almost can't believe we were ever friends in the first place. It's just so bitchy and catty - I honestly keep thinking to myself, "Really? Am I really back in high school?" I'm starting to wonder if we were every really friends, or if I was just a fun party girl to hang out with. And now that the party girl phase is over, they don't want to be my friend.

I just don't know what to do. Half of me wants to just let it go - I mean, if this is how they're going to act, how can I stop them? I've tried talking to them but they just don't seem to listen. They've made up their mind about the situation and nothing that I say can change anything. But the other half of me still wants to give it one more try. Really sit down with them, one on one and none of this hearsay business, and just hash it out. You tell me what's on your mind, I'll tell you what's on mine. If it works out, then it works out. If it doesn't ... well, maybe we really weren't meant to be friends. But at least then I know that I tried?

A friend of mine moved across the country this week, so everyone got together one night for his last night out. They were there and I said hi to them and they said hi back. The rest of the night, they acted like we were strangers, like they didn't even know me.

They just keep doing things that are hurting me and I'm wondering what I should do. Do I even bother to make the effort? I mean, even if we work things out, can I ever trust them again like I used to think I could?

Bleh. Being friends with girls sucks. Girls are so bitchy and back-stabbing.
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