Jun 28, 2006 15:26
It has been a marathon of hysterical catfights, screaming in Arabic, French and English-perverted caddrivers-I mean cab-and general 100 degree plus heat..oh and I worked all night in the office and am now on every relatives Bad girl shit list....
What fun. Magazine is in prepublication. We (me?) left the word "jerking off" in the magazine-yes, Big Brother this is an Islamic country. Thank God for my happy USA passport...the censors will kill us...also left in Wonder Muff...homosexual....sex in....damp...alleys...coruption at the very top...Basically enough to get in deep shit..oh. and also f***. The shit should be hitting the fan anytime now.
My boss in the UK let all this and Jennifer A. naked from waist uo go in...first time ever! I am waiting for the letters...anyway, it's been hell and fun and hell. But we will catch major shit from the censors...even mentioned the Kahfah party-they are aresting judges and lawyers for belonging..it is all quite interesting...except I do not sleep.
I am happy and amazed to see the UK owners getting so ballsy...I am also worried about the implications of what we have published. OK for States here...major censorship...it should prove interesting...
and then there is Omar. He is in Paris. I need him to complete my novel.
and my children are unwashed. And I feel guilty working. So I spent my pay on guilt. Very stupid of me. My little girl is crying because a relative told her she looks better with her head covered so now I bare my tattoo And in a true suicidal gesture have started wearing American flag t-shirts.
It is OK we all have a breaking point. I have an invitation to the US Embassy for July fourth-Dear Big Brother IF I can't get in, please advise now, before I buy un-ripped stockings. Thank you.
I miss America. I miss sleeping. I miss driving. I miss the real world. I want my little girl to grow up free and unafraid and proud.....I am coming home via London...over and outta it..sandy still stuck