Fic rec: "Guarding the Heedless Folk" by Lady Branwyn

Sep 07, 2010 12:06

For you Ranger fans like me, I found this little gem tucked away amidst all the girl-falls-to-Middle-earth stuff at  Good characterizations and a spooky plot, as befits a Spooky Arda LJ community post:

Guarding the Heedless Folk
Written for the 2008 "Six Days of Spooky Challenge" at the Spooky Arda LiveJournal Community. When a man disappears, the Breefolk reluctantly enlist the aid of an untried ranger. Characters: OC, Halbarad, Aragorn. PG for violence.

There's not many reviews for it at but maybe she received plenty wherever else it might be posted.  Regardless, it deserves some good reviews.

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