curiouswombat asked for a conversation between Celeborn and Gandalf. So here 'tis!
My Heart Will Be Glad
Rating: G
Galadriel was happy enough to play matchmaker but what of Celeborn? A conversation between two wise old friends that might have taken place at some point between Aragorn and Arwen's midsummer moment upon Cerin Amroth and the events in Lord of the Rings. A true drabble.
“But is he worthy?”
“More worthy than all others. And if not, then such discovery will render all of your concerns moot.”
“She is my granddaughter, Gandalf. And he is a mortal.”
“I recall another such union working out well enough.”
Celeborn’s eyes glinted. “I am tempted to chop off this young pup’s hand to match.”
Gandalf laughed. “Let him keep his hand. He will undoubtedly need it.”
A sigh. “Galadriel shares your certainty. And therefore so shall I.” He raised his glass and smiled. “The world will be saved, and Arwen will wed, and my heart will be glad.”