Just an FYI, I won't be posting Saturday or Sunday, most likely, because I'll be visiting with my sister. \o/
Yesterady I straightened up her room and washed the bedding, and had hubby remove our large, defunct TV that had drifted in there (by "drifted," I mean "Dink hauled in there in her attempt to co-opt the room... she's like nature, she abhors a vacuum and any unused room tends to fill up with her stuff and her plans to repurpose said room.) (Also like nature, she abhors vacuuming as well.) I cleaned bathrooms and ran the dustmop around the floors to corral wayward herds of Pip Fur that had gathered under the dining room chairs and table and under couches and chairs and in corners and... well, those of you with cats and hardwood floors know what I'm talking about.
Today I'll wiat for a break in the rain to do the grocery shopping before she gets here later this afternoon (if there is a break, that is). I doubt we'll go out to eat tonight, but we might. Any plans beyond shopping and lunch tomorrow are very fluid. No pun intended, but... heh.
Between grocery shopping and finishing up cleaning, I want to finish my current book,
Transcendent Kingdom, by Yaa Gyasi. It's been a good read, about an immigrant family from Ghana, living in Alabama. I was drawn to it in part because I'm trying to expand my normal reading to include more books by people of color, but I was also drawn to it because I had a friend in college from Ghana, so there's some personal connection to the story. I was expecting it to deal most heavily with racism--it's a black family, an immigrant one no less, living in the Deep South, after all--but it's far deeper than that, focusing also on mental illness, addiction, neurobiology, and in large part how faith from childhood changes and shifts as one moves into adulthood and the internal dissonance that causes (which I also really relate to, although for me it's not a childhood faith so much as a young adulthood faith tradition I no longer completely adhere to). Really a fascinating book, reading more like a memoir though it's psychological/domestic fiction. I have about 15 pages to go, which is a good thing because it's due back to the library tomorrow. XD
Happy Friday!