Domino update...

Aug 16, 2018 08:21

For the first time in over a week, we have SOLID POOPS!


I wish I could keep him on the rx dogfood full time, but I don't think I can. But boy, does he love it and boy does it agree with him. It's a Science Diet canned food, so I'm going to see if their non-rx "sensitive tummy" food might work just as well. *fingers crossed* I've also bought some dehydrated pumpkin to sprinkle on his food, as pumpkin is highly recommended as a food to "firm things up." I tried canned pumpkin once ages ago, but he wanted nothing to do with it (oh the disappointed look he gave me!) But I think I can hide the dehydrated version in his normal food and he won't realize he's eating it.

I'll just have to watch I don't firm things up TOO much and give him problems of the opposite sort!

(Ugh, LJ doesn't let me post just the image from IG anymore, so you have to put up with the rest of the IG stuff, even though "Good night" doesn't really apply to this post!)


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