Jan 20, 2010 18:14
If I'm going to be making posts about school stuff I feel like I should make up some new userpics or something.
Well, the three classes I had today went fairly well. In fact, I think I'm even going to enjoy them, even the dreaded ENG 101. :P
My history teacher is an archeologist so he told us outright that the class will have more emphasis on how archeology and anthropology is done rather than learning the actual history of the American Continents. Considering archeology was one of my childhood passions I'm so game for that! Not to mention I suck at remembering names and dates.
COM class was pretty much how I imagined it'd be. I've been through so many communication workshops for various jobs that this will be a cake walk. But to give it an interesting spin the class does eight field trips to a nearby elementary school as part of an outreach program. Cool, eh?
And as for Eng, this very well might be one of the best English classes I've ever had. Only four essays for the semester and my teacher seems far more interested in discussing real world issues and how they relate to writing than drilling us with constant homework.
So in the end, I think the only class that will be really homework heavy is my math class. Mr. Math is also the only less than engaging I'm faced with. Should be a good semester. :D
As a side note, I'm still sick, and not the only one. I was handing out cough drops to a classmate in my COM class.
Plus! They say it's going to rain again tonight! Hope Hope Hope