It's like in a Lemony Snicket book

Nov 03, 2006 18:30

Oh my goodness, the crows!

It's their migration time, and they're resting right outside my window. They have been arriving here for about a week now, but my goodness!

I have to say. For a few seconds at night, it gets kind of creepy. I can hear them talking to each other. Caw! Caw! Caw, caw! Caw. Caw.

I was walking outside after sunset yesterday to buy milk and I saw them flying overhead. It's kind of cool. Dozens upon dozens of jet-black birds swooping and flocking and landing and disappearing.

They rest in the trees, you see.

My street has old trees -- very tall ones -- and the crows like to spend the nights in them. They hide behind the leaves, but only from the weather. They can't hide from me because I can hear them. Caw! Caw, caw. They won't shut up.

No wait, that's not true.

They do.

They'll spend a half-hour or so quietly, with only whispered caw caws intermingling with the sound of the wind.


Then they'll suddenly all wake up and being caw cawing like they just heard the most interesting news. Crow gossip, whatever it is.

And actually, it's not exactly a "caw." It's several sounds.

There's an aw and an eaw and an uawww.

They have a q'a and a kaa, too.

It's crow language, don't ask me.

I don't know.


I wonder if I could get pictures of them while they're in flight. It's pretty boring to get them while they're resting in the trees (you can't even see them). Aw... but I don't want to wait outside. It's cold outside.

I'll go study biology now.


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