I am recovering from the flu, but unfortunately developing a cough, so my mother's medicinal tea recipe is relevant to me now. Here, I will share it:
Té para la tos (Tea for coughs)
Cebolla (onion, usually yellow)
Ajo (garlic)
Manzana (apple)
Canela (cinnamon sticks)
Clavos (cloves, whole)
Jamaica (hibiscus flower, dried)
Hierve mucho tiempo (una hora o más). Después agregale gordolobo y poquito cilandro. Apaga la lumbre. Deja la olla cubrida.
Boil a long time (an hour or more). Afterwards, add mullein and a little bit of cilantro. Turn off the stove. Leave the pot covered. Note, the more delicate herbs should not be over-boiled; the heat after the stove is turned off is enough.
I have everything but the cilantro. Is it really spelled "cilantro"? That's crazy. I'm just learning now that it's not "cilandro" in English, too.
And yes, some of the ingredients are just to make the tea taste better. Specifically, the apple, cinnamon, and Jamaica are for flavor. The apple can be eaten afterward.
My eyes are watering from cutting the onion and garlic into chunks. Grr.