Work, briefly

Jan 18, 2008 11:23

I have an office!!!

I love having an office. I do need however a few things to finish the office exactly the way I want it, but its come a long way since I've started. I rearranged all the furniture so it wasn't the OPPRESSIVE FORMAL PASTOR model and was the come in and chat model instead. Also, I can see out the window now which is very nice. My art is starting to make it feel like mine. I need to get a few pieces framed and get a bonsai tree and then it will be exactly what I wanted.

The church is good. For the most part people are very friendly and welcoming as I struggle to learn close to 800 new names and faces. There was one woman who went 'What are you, twelve?" in a snotty voice, before shushing me when I tried to respond to her but well, you get those.

Right now I'm trying to get the youth groups up and moving again. The middle schoolers are active and should keep me busy, but the high schoolers have scattered to the winds. I'm trying to bring them back with food and Simpson's episodes so we'll see how that works. They also communicate solely by Myspace so I'm trying to set up a page. But the site HATES me right now for no discernable reason, so I'm trying again tomorrow.

I'm also in charge of planning a mission trip for the youth this summer as well as working on hospital visitions and the CE committee (I have been designated 'their' pastor). Right now I'm just doing whatever people ask of me until we figure out what my job is.

The giant Kirkin O' the Tartan (or the blessing of the plaids) service is Sunday with a full bagpipe core. Apparently that service is better attended at this church than Easter or Christmas. It should be pretty exciting. Then of course is my ordination - which is just sort of weird. A huge giant service centered around me. I'm not sure I know what to do with it.

But I am definately kept busy - in a weird sort of way. I have days of spastic business and then ones of super slowness.

Okay, enough rambling. Back to read more articles.


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