time to organize!

Oct 16, 2011 11:43

So the next few weeks, everything is in high gear. And to make my long list of things I want do, doable, I have already given up some of my television shows. I figure, I can netflix Dexter, etc., when we are in the Netherlands.

My plans --
Finish book review of *Better off Dead* and figure out how to submit it to the online journal.
Study and learn some Dutch -- just enough to get started.
We have to pack out! So that means sorting what goes into storage, what goes into our own luggage, and what goes into the two shipments. We get one airfreight shipment (I am thinking Computer/Printers -- maybe some essential teaching books and research stuff. As well as kitchen things like sharp knives. Winter Clothes) and we get a regular freight shipment (via boat, probably. So that means anything else like pictures, rugs, dishes, glassware. The bookshelves and some small furniture. NOt super essential stuff, but nice to have.)
MONSTERS 8 BOOK!!! WE need to finish the introduction and get our own contributions set. Then put it all in one document, send electronically and print out a hard copy to mail. I think the the hard copy has to be camera ready. :0
When we are on home leave, I am taking some of my critical theory books so I can continue working on the book proposal for "Phantom Limbs/Fenian Bodies."
And, with all of this, I would also like to work up more job applications -- I may have to stalk the HR sites for the unversitiets in the area.
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