My tweets

Apr 15, 2020 12:00

  • Tue, 20:18: RT @ MeredthSalenger: What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders
  • Tue, 20:18: RT @ BarackObama: I’m proud to endorse my friend @ JoeBiden for President of the United States. Let's go:
  • Tue, 20:32: RT @ rosamund: "These people are heroes." really is the essential worker version of "She gets all the real work done around here."
  • Tue, 20:32: RT @ rosamund: oddly, neither come with an offer to double your pay
  • Tue, 20:39: RT @ Lexialex: This is the absolute truth and if you actually take a moment before you retweet a popular white dude on Twitter and instead p…
  • Tue, 20:39: RT @ emahlee: Amazon fired me and @ marencosta. As Mary Oliver wrote, "oh! how rich it is to love the world." It's a gift to be able to fig…
  • Tue, 20:39: RT @ EC_magazine: We have a guide on how to shop without Amazon, for those who want to support warehouse workers. The guide includes infor…
  • Tue, 21:30: RT @ VLMResearch: Extraordinary interview about her new book: Sarah Kendzior, "Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the…
  • Tue, 21:31: RT @ KnightLAT: “A passionate call for immediate action against the 'transnational crime syndicate' that has supplanted the U.S. government.…
  • Tue, 21:31: RT @ janhoglund: They will take your money, they will steal your freedom, and if they are clever, they will eliminate any structural protect…
  • Tue, 21:32: RT @ NaomiAKlein: The richest man in the world has fired Amazon tech workers who used their relative privilege to stand up for the health an…
  • Tue, 21:33: RT @ sarahkendzior: @ Eristophanes The really wild part about the last four years isn't that Trump is an aspiring dictator -- that was obviou…
  • Tue, 21:36: RT @ textfiles: This plugin brings twitter back to the not-terrible layout of twitter. Now it's asking for me to agree to metrics. This bann…
  • Tue, 21:41: RT @ jennycohn1: This is one reason why, even with substantially increased vote by mail, we must maintain a reasonable number of in person p…
  • Tue, 21:45: RT @ RBReich: A president with any intelligence and integrity would increase payments to the World Health Organization in the midst of a pan…
  • Tue, 21:46: RT @ ChelseaClinton: Thank you @ elmo & @ sesamestreet & everyone who made Elmo’s virtual playdate so special! ❤️
  • Tue, 21:48: RT @ RepAdamSchiff: After Ebola, President Obama in 2014 warned we would need to prepare for the next outbreak: “We have to put in place a…
  • Tue, 21:48: RT @ allinwithchris: WATCH: Chris Hayes breaks down the three fatal mistakes that led to the White House’s failed coronavirus response-and h…
  • Tue, 21:52: RT @ SpeakerPelosi: I understand the instincts of scientists who don’t want to appear political. But make no mistake: the decision not to sp…
  • Tue, 21:53: RT @ Kris_Sacrebleu: On this note, my physician told me recently how his aging father came to live w him at end of his life - he told him th…
  • Tue, 21:53: RT @ kurteichenwald: For the homebound, this fellow has a jazz piano show (with a cocktail) Monday through Friday at 3:00 PST. A good way to…
  • Tue, 22:18: RT @ Yamiche: President Trump has been visibly angry the last two days and he's been lashing out more than usual. Why is he so mad? Becaus…
  • Tue, 22:19: RT @ Sifill_LDF: Not every Governor is showing courage and leadership during this pandemic. We’re demanding that Govs frm Alabama, Arkansas…
  • Tue, 22:20: RT @ jayrosen_nyu: Phrases like "rewriting history" and "muddying the waters" do not convey what is underway. It's an attempt to prevent Ame…
  • Tue, 22:21: RT @ Sifill_LDF: The @ 60Minutes segment on Peter Navarro & what the Trump Admin knew or should have known about the coming #COVID-19 pandemi…
  • Tue, 23:22: RT @ HawaiiDelilah: Trump just claimed we are leading on testing and that some of the other countries who were said to be leading on testing…

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