Sat, 12:03: RT @ realtegan: Why is it that when we have Republican presidents, American civilians die in mass disasters?
Sat, 12:04: RT @ dcb42: @ scifantasy If you come out of this quarantine with some vague semblance of sanity you've done all that can reasonably be asked…
Sat, 15:00: RT @ BerniceKing: He didn’t die of natural causes. My father was murdered for working to end racism, war and poverty and for speaking trut…
Sat, 15:06: RT @ oliverdarcy: This interview @ ErinBurnettdid with a wife mourning her husband who died of coronavirus punches you straight in the gut.…
Sun, 08:51: RT @ TheRaDR: Never forget that the GOP’s determination to keep lining their pockets kept them from holding accountable an incompetent presi…