Apr 07, 2018 03:08
4 petting zoos in just over 2 weeks... umm... never never again. Even the llamas did not want to get on the trailer for the last one. We were all wiped out!
In the last month, to 90 days, I have added a few animals. We now have 3 llamas, 30 - 35 alpacas, 3 sheep, 3 goats, 30+ chickens, 2 mini donkeys, 2 standard donkeys, 17 pigs, 2 standard mules, 1 horse (going to her new home asap), 5 ducks, 2 geese, 3 ferrets, 13 dogs... I think that is it... maybe.
Shearing of the alpacas is the 17th. I will be doing the older llamas, and the sheep, myself (with Matthew's help). I am hoping to talk the shearer into doing the younger llama on the 17th. I am also helping with another farm's shearing day on the 11th. First time helping her and meeting her shearer. Then on the 16th, I will be helping the neighboring farm (Blackberry Hills) and in return she will help us.
I have been working in the barn, trying to set up rat traps, bug zappers, and extra fencing to allow the goats and sheep to use more of the pens. Our sheep are all Shetland or Shetland crosses, small and supposedly easy to handle. One will follow you all over the place. One will run from you. One is still trying to figure out if he wants attention or not. Same with the goats to a degree. Oreo is a LaMancha who LOVES attention and jumping fences. General is a smaller LaMancha who likes attention but is a bit leery. Millie is the female... umm I knew the breed at one time, who is just kinda laid back, but not overtly friendly. Why is it out of the 3, one is in your face, one is laid back, and one is off... =p
This weekend was supposed to be chores, but its supposed to be cold. I am hoping to get some pictures. Maybe Sunday we will go ahead and give all of the girls their yearly shots and check them for worms. Whee... microscope work... wish some of my flist was closer to help =p
And of course since the newest llama, Llarry, was not fixed yet and was over 2, had to make a run to Auburn to get that taken care of. It appears he was not a fan of Auburn since he spit on everything almost from the moment I left him. I show up and he stops spitting =p