So in a moment of slight insanity last year, I decided to do a Christmas on the Farm event. Laid back, easy going. Come meet the critters and have some chili and make s'mores.
Fast forward to this year. And we are doing it again. I am not sure what has gotten into me, but we are doing it again. And this year we will have vendors. And pony rides. OMG. I must be off my rocker.
So in getting ready for this, I remember we have a parade in the small town I live in. So, of course, in my state of being off my rocker, I decide I have to enter the parade. On the same day the mini donkeys are at an open house at the other alpaca farm in the area. So the parade will be 2 alpacas and the mini sheep on the small trailer, piglets in the back of the truck, Matthew, or me, driving and Matthew, or me, in the back of the truck tossing candy. Then will spend the day at the park passing out fliers for our farm event. D will hopefully take the minis to the alpaca farm and stay with them till the parade is over and Matthew or I can get over there.
I am not a people person, but if we want to have more calls for the petting zoo and possibly make some money to offset all the sanctuary animal costs, we have to get out more.
These are the two piglets at the petting zoo this weekend. They are adorable and friendly.